CHERRY Ehealth Terminals

Your modern entry into telematics infrastructure

telematics infrastructure

We bring usability to digital health. Our products and solutions comply with the highest hygiene and security standards, ensuring the safe management of sensitive data. But what really differentiates them is their outstanding durability, compatibility, and reliability.

All features at a glance

CHERRY eHealth Terminal ST-1506

MODERN & POWERFUL: Easily disinfectable touchscreen solution for telematics infrastructure applications.


All features at a glance

CHERRY eHealth PIN-Pad PP-1516

FUTURE-SAFE & COMFORTABLE: Ideal extension for the CHERRY card terminal.

Short introduction of the products

CHERRY eHealth Terminal & Patient PIN pad explained

Telematics infrastructure applications explained in an easy-to-understand way with CHERRY eHealth products

Information on the telematics infrastructure for all professional groups

The future of the German digital healthcare system holds many opportunities, but also raises a number of questions. For professional groups that are already connected to the telematics infrastructure, different issues are relevant than for professional groups that will only become part of it in the future. On the following pages, we have compiled important information on access to the TI as well as funding for initial equipment and additional support.

Information for professional groups already connected to the TI

  • Clinics
  • Pharmacies
  • Medical practices
  • Dental practices

Information for professional groups not yet connected to the TI

  • Midwives
  • Physiotherapy
  • Outpatient care services

Do you want to order directly?

Are you impressed by the practical features, modern design and convenient use of the products and would like to order directly? Then find out about our sources of supply.

Are you looking for firmware updates and new software tools?

You can find detailed information in our download area.

CHERRY Contact

Do you have technical questions?

Then talk to us personally on the service number: +49 9643 2061-100

You can reach us during our service hours from:

Monday - Thursday: 09:00 to 16:00

Friday: 09:00 to 12:00

CHERRY Headquarter Auerbach i.d. Oberpfalz

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Then sign up for our newsletter. We will inform you regularly about all updates to our products. You will also receive information on the latest products and where you can meet us at trade fairs.